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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
Mamluk Bibliography Online
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1. Christie, Archibald H., "Islamic Minor Arts and Their Influence upon European Work." In The Legacy of Islam. edited byArnold, Thomas W.//Guillaume, Alfred.108-151. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1931.
Subjects: Arts/Foreign relations
2. Christie, Archibald H., "Le arti minori islamiche e il loro influsso sull'attività artistica europea." In L'eredità dell'Islam. Edited by Arnold, Thomas W.//Guillaume, Alfred. translated byMarzano, Raffaele//Marzoli, Ornella.111-156. Milano: Casa editrice Dottor Francesco Vallardi, 1962.
Notes: Translation of the author's "Islamic Minor Arts and Their Influence upon European Work," in The Legacy of Islam..
Subjects: Arts/Foreign relations
3. Christie, Archibald H.. "The Development of Ornament from Arabic Script." The Burlington Magazine 40, 41, 231, 232 (1922): 287-292, 34-41.
Subjects: Arts/Foreign relations



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